However, as she has entrusted her life to that equine monster sitting on her lap, she probably won't get a chance to. It's impossible to know for certain how many people are maimed and killed each year as a result of horses, but I know for certain that the figure is well in excess of a million. That's right. A million fellow people put to death by these placid-looking bastards. Want examples? Well, here you go.
Alfonso I of Portugal, along with being called Alfonso (titter) was injured falling from his horse in some battle or other, causing him to be captured and surrender a large part of his kingdom. Alexander III of Scotland was ridden off a cliff by his horse, indirectly causing the 1st Scottish War of Independence, in which at least one person was killed, and quite possibly more. Nero Claudius Drucus, brother of Caesar Tiberius and namesake of a successful coffee outlet, was killed by his horse. Horses have been used in wars for over 3,000 years, including the recent conflict in Darfur. And, most alarmingly, actor Christopher Reeve was paralysed after falling from his horse in 1995. That's right, horses are so bad-ass that they can paralyse Superman.
All of the above facts are completely true. Now, who's for pony trekking?
#2 - Hippo
These are BRILLIANT. Cassowaries are the only bird to make this list, and that's because if you were to call one 'Pretty Polly' and try to feed it a cracker, it would probably rip your guts out.
They live in Australia. They are about 6 feet tall. They have large colourful crests, razor-sharp dagger-like toes, and they are able to hunt in packs. Sound familiar? That's because they're the closest thing to a velociraptor that we have left on the planet.
To quote Dr Wikipedia:
'They are capable of inflicting fatal injuries to an adult human. Usually, attacks are the result of provocation. Wounded or cornered birds are particularly dangerous. Cassowaries, deftly using their surroundings to conceal their movements, have been known to out-flank organized groups of human predators. Cassowaries are considered to be one of the most dangerous animals to keep in zoos, based on the frequency and severity of injuries incurred by zookeepers.'
I don't think I need to convince you further, but if you have any doubt, have another look at the picture.
Yep. Terrifying.
#4 - Duck Billed Platypus
Yep, Look at it. The bloody stupid-looking fluffy thing with a bill on the front. It's a mammal, but it lays eggs. Basically, it's something god doodled on the toilet door while he was taking a five-minute poo break. When it was discovered in the 19th century, respected scientists thought it was a joke. That's how retarded it is.
Except it's also packing some serious heat. In its back legs, it has two dagger-like 'spurs' that can swiftly inject an excruciating venom cocktail into its hapless victim, leaving them incapacitated and in excruciating pain.
In short, it's a poisonous duck beaver with a serious inferiority complex. Nuff said.
#5 - Honey Badger
It's cute. It has a totally pornographic name. Stephen is terrified of it. It's a Honey Badger.
These things can kill crocodiles (only the small ones, but still). If you don't believe me, check. They eat venomous snakes for breakfast, then wolf down a scorpion for elevenses. They can use tools. They are officially considered to be the world's most ferocious animal. It's even rumoured that when fighting, male badgers focus their attacks on the other's scrotum.
They are so ferocious that they have actually earned the name 'Killer Badger' from the Iraqi people. Yes, Iraqi's are more scared of badgers than American forces. How's that impotence feel, Mr Bush?
Of course, many people might say that I've missed out the most dangerous, destructive animal of all - Man. They would be wrong. A man is not an animal, it is a person.
Tomorrow is guest blog day. If I can find a guest blogger.
Today's article has been 100% factual. Normal bollogs will resume shortly.
This blog is produced in association with the Indie Supergroup Buried in Pompeii. It is written by Dan, and has absolutely nothing to do with the Indie Supergroup Buried in Pompeii.
I was with you until you didn't include cows, an animal that can accidentally kill you, in it's sleep!!!
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